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New GPT tool for CAs to access annual reports of 5,000 listed companies

November 26, 2024

The chartered accountants can now access annual reports of 5,000 listed companies

The chartered accountants can now access annual reports of 5,000 listed companies on their gadgets, including mobile phones. On Monday, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) launched a new GPT (generative pre-trained transformers) tool for annual reports that will enable CAs to analyse financial data with ease. As per ICAI, the reports are integrated into over 70 GPTs across various industries that will help professionals perform complex financial analysis.

“ICAI’s ongoing efforts to leverage cutting-edge technologies like AI, big data, machine learning or other emerging technologies that are essential tools for accounting, auditing, taxation, management consultancy and other services that CAs provide. ICAI is also providing its members with requisite skills to harness the potential of AI in finance and accounting through a certificate course,” said Ranjeet Kumar Agarwal, president at ICAI.

Since July this year, CA GPT is available for members free of cost. There are over 70,000 active members who have generated over 2.5 lakh prompts in the past five months, ICAI said.

[The Financial Express]

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