The alley for Indian Chartered Accountants
DGFT Update - March 12, 2025
Inputs on the Draft Amendments in Procedure for Export Authorization for "Stock and Sale" of SCOMET items [Trade Notice No.33]
Extension in “Free” Import Policy of Urad ([Beans of SPP Vigna Mungo (L.) Hepper]) [ITC (HS) Code 07133110] under ITC (HS) 2022, Schedule –I(Import Policy) [Notification No.64]
Extension in Import Period for Yellow Peas under ITC(HS) Code 07131010 of Chapter 07 of ITC (HS) 2022, Schedule –I(Import Policy) [Notification No.63]
Amendment to Para 10.12(D) of HBP 2023- Revised Procedure for General Authorization for Exprot after Repair (GAER) [Public Notice No.50]