DGFT - 2025
(Director General of Foreign Trade)
- Extension in “Free” Import Policy of Urad ([Beans of SPP Vigna Mungo (L.) Hepper]) [ITC (HS) Code 07133110] under ITC (HS) 2022, Schedule –I(Import Policy) [Notification No.64]
- Extension in Import Period for Yellow Peas under ITC(HS) Code 07131010 of Chapter 07 of ITC (HS) 2022, Schedule –I(Import Policy) [Notification No.63]
- Amendment in Export Policy Condition under HSN of Schedule-II(Export Policy), ITC(HS) 2022 [Notification No.62]
- Amendment in Export Policy of Broken Rice under HS code 1006 40 00 [Notification No.61]
- Amendment in Import Policy and Policy Condition of Platinum covered under HS Code 7110 of Chapter 71 of ITC (HS) 2022, Schedule –I (Import Policy) [Notification No.60]
- Amendment in Export Policy of Raw Human Hair [Notification No.59]
- Amendment in Import Policy condition no. 1(III) under Chapter 87 of ITC (HS), 2022, Schedule –I (Import Policy) [Notification No.58]
- Export of Broken Rice to Senegal through National Cooperative Exports Limited (NCEL) [Notification No.57]
- Amendment in Export Policy of De-Oiled Rice Bran [Notification No.56]
- Amendment in Import Policy covered under CTH 890690 of Chapter 89 of ITC (HS) 2022, Schedule –I (Import Policy) [Notification No.55]
- Amendment in import Policy Condition of Glufosinate Technical covered under HS Code 38089390 of Chapter 38 of Schedule –I (Import Policy) of ITC (HS) 2022 [Notification No.54]
- Introduction of new Scheme as 'Diamond Imprest Authorisation' under Chapter 4 of Foreign Trade Policy 2023 [Notification No.53]
- Amendment in Export Policy condition of Agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis) Chips and Powder and Agar Oil obtained from artificially propagated sources [Notification No.52]
- Extension in “Free” Import Policy of Tur/Pigeon Peas (Cajanus Cajan) [ITC(HS) 0713 60 00] under ITC (HS) 2022, Schedule – I (Import Policy) till 31.03.2026 [Notification No.51]
- Notification of Schedule-II (Export Policy) of ITC(HS) 2022, in sync with Finance Act 2024 dated 16.08.2024 [No.50]
- Amendment in Import Policy and Import Policy Condition of Synthetic Knitted Fabrics Covered under Chapter 60 of the ITC (HS), 2022 [Notification No.49]
- Export of Wheat to Nepal through National Cooperative Exports Limited (NCEL) [Notification No.48]
- Amendment in Foreign Trade Policy 2023 to include Para 1.07A and 1.07B for consultation with stakeholders to seek views, suggestions, comments or feedback from relevant stakeholders, including importers/exporters/industry experts concerning the formulation or amendment of the Foreign Trade Policy [Notification No.47]
- Inputs on the Draft Amendments in Procedure for Export Authorization for "Stock and Sale" of SCOMET items [Trade Notice No.33]
- Difficulty in closure of Advance Authorisation due to space constraints in the description column of the shipping bills [Trade Notice No.32]
- Guidelines for availing Import Authorisation for Import of Premium Frozen Duck Meat into India under ITC HS Code 0207 4200 & 0207 4500 [Trade Notice No.31]
- Procedure for filing application for allocation of Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) of Gold Bullion under India-UAE CEPA for FY 2025-26 [Trade Notice No.30]
- Mandatory online submission and online payments against Show Cause Notices and other proceedings under provisions of the FTD&R Act [Trade Notice No.29]
- Seeking details of manually issued Certificates of Origin in contravention of DGFT guidelines [Trade Notice No.28]
- Introduction of online module for filing Annual RoDTEP Return (ARR) [Trade Notice No.27]
- Amendment to Para 10.12(D) of HBP 2023- Revised Procedure for General Authorization for Exprot after Repair (GAER) [Public Notice No.50]
- Fixation of SION No. A-3684 under Chemical & Allied Product [Public Notice No.49]
- Procedure for Allocation of Quantities for import of Calcined Petroleum Coke for Aluminium Industry and Raw Petroleum Coke for CPC manufacturing industry, for the Financial Year 2025-26 [Public Notice No.48]
- Amendments in conditions of the Standard Input Output Norms (SION) at E-136 for export of Wheat Flour [Public Notice No.47]
- Amendments in Standard Input Output Norms (SION) A-222 for export of Erythromycin Stearate Tablet [Public Notice No.46]
- Amendment in 4.59 of Handbook of Procedures, 2023 and modification in Standard Input Output Norms (SION) M- 1 to M-8 for export of jewellery [Public Notice No.45]
- Withdrawal of Para 2.76 of Handbook of Procedure - 2023 regarding Track and Trace system for export of drug formulations [Public Notice No.44]
- Amendments to Para 2.91 & 2.93 of HBP, inline with the Implementation of the eCertificate of Origin System [Public Notice No.43]
- Introduction of new paras in Chapter 4 of Handbook of Procedures, 2023 [Public Notice No.42]
- Addition of new laboratory in Para 4.73 of the Handbook of Procedures, 2023 [Public Notice No.41]
- Standard Operating Procedure / Guidelines for Voluntary Disclosure of Non Compliance/ Violations related to Export of SCOMET Items and SCOMET Regulations [Public Notice No.40]
- Procedure for export of certified organic products [Public Notice No.39]
- Amendment in Para 6.06 of HBP, 2023 [No.38]
- Amendment by incorporation of Para 1.04 (k) in Chapter 1 of the Handbook of Procedures 2023 to specify the procedure for furnishing views, suggestions, comments, or feedback from relevant stakeholders including importers/exporters/industry experts concerning the formulation, amendment or incorporation of specific provision(s) in the Foreign Trade Policy [No.37]