“Shadow Trading” is Insider Trading: Jury Establishes Liability in Historic Shadow Trading Case
[US] Financial restatements drop, a good sign for reporting quality
66% of internal audit teams say capabilities don’t align with priorities due to skills gap
Accounting body says investors want climate data that U.S. rules exclude
Accounting Profession Not Just About Closing Books and Issuing Reports, Chief Accountants Say
AICPA asks SEC to reject PCAOB rules that pose 'significant challenges'
Audit committees expand oversight to ESG, cybersecurity, AI: EY
Audit committees rank cybersecurity as top priority amid SEC crackdown
Audit norms becoming stringent across Asia: Grant Thornton Executives
Canadian accountants take note as SEC reminds accounting firms of the rules involving other auditors
Center for Audit Quality Asks PCAOB to Reduce Burdens on Small Accounting Firms
Companies shifting disclosures in response to SEC cybersecurity rules
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