16-member panel set up to draft Digital Competition Act within 3 months
CBDT issues draft form for biz to report inventory valuation by accountants
CBIC unveils new draft, set to replace 8-decade old central excise regime
CCI issues draft norms on combinations under amended competition law
Draft personal data protection Bill: Penalties may range up to Rs 250 crore
Exposure Draft: The Chartered Accountants (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2023
FASB Draft: Financial Key Performance Indicators for Business Entities
FASB Draft: Proposed Accounting Standards Update - Interim Reporting (Topic 270)
FASB Exposure Draft: Invitation to Comment - Agenda Consultation
FASB Proposed ASU: Accounting for Government Grants by Business Entities
FASB Proposed ASU: Environmental Credits and Environmental Credit Obligations (Topic 818)
FinMin issues draft scheme for settling disputes related to govt contracts
GOI Draft: E-Commerce - Principles and Guidelines for Self-Governance
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